A little



From fear to trust

‘‘I can’t disappoint anyone.’’

‘‘I’m on my own.’’

‘‘I’m only good enough when my work is perfect.’’

These are examples of my unconscious beliefs which drove the little voice in my head and my emotions and behavior. During my childhood I was forced to grow up fast which caused me to always have an occupied mind. I was always chasing goals, pleasing people and trying to manage and control as much as possible. How I felt dependented fully on my achieved results and other people's opinion. I had no internal calmness or groundness.

In 2019, I allowed myself to go on a sabbatical which was a big turning point for me. Calmness created space in my mind which allowed me to realize that everything that I chased was driven by a deep internal fear; the fear of not being enough, the fear of not doing enough and the fear of not having enough. It was clear from here; I was tired of seeking validation in everything that I did and I was ready to do the inner work.

I became very conscious of my limiting beliefs but I couldn't access the insecurity and fear underneath it. Becoming a mother changed everything for me. I was constantly working, taking care of the baby or organizing things, trying to do things right according to a standard that I made up. I was exhausted and life felt like I was surviving. 

I simply couldn't carry life in my old way. It was too heavy and it wasn’t fair for myself and for my baby. I worked on accepting my insecurities and fears and by doing that, this old pain didn’t control my thoughts and feelings anymore. I was able to accept myself fully which felt so liberating. It wasn’t an easy path but the results were worth everything.

It was time for the next step,
all in this time.

Letting go of the external validation, allowed me to connect with myself on a deeper level and to realize that coaching was my biggest passion. I became a certified coach and went all in starting my own coaching practice. 

With my personal journey and expertise as a coach, my mission is to help you find inner peace so you can liberate yourself from the fear of ‘not being good enough’ and ‘not having enough’, and step into a place of authenticity, balance and calmness. 

We all have a past and it makes us who we are today. But every day we have the choice to continue in the old way or to face the challenge and to choose for a new version of ourselves where we unshackle ourselves from a fearful mind and start living from trust.

I’m not what happened to me. I am what I choose to be.

— Carl Jung